Apple II Technical Notes
June 1992
0 A B C D E F G H I J/K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X/Y/Z
This index encompasses all Apple II Technical Notes, File Type Notes, and
Sample Code. Technical Notes are denoted by a four-letter category (e.g., IIgs
for Apple IIgs Notes), File Type Notes by the letters FTN, and Sample Code by
the letters SC.
- $C800 space
- Misc 11
- $E100CB
- IIgs 57
- /RAM volume
- GSOS 2, PDOS 15, 18, 21, 23, 24, 26, 8
- 3.5 drive differences
- UDsk 5
- 3.5 ROM IIc
- IIc 7
- 5.0.x
- IIgs 51
- 5.25 drives
- Pasc 17, PDOS
- 40/80-column switch
- IIc 7
- 40 columns (about)
- IIc 2
- 40 columns (switching to)
- IIe 8
- 40COL (soft switch)
- IIgs 29
- 48K run-time system (Pascal)
- Pasc 15
- 50 Hertz
- Mous 2
- 74LS244
- IIe 2
- 74LS245
- IIe 2
- 74LS251
- IIe 9
- 80-column card
- PDOS 11, 15
- 80-column firmware
- GSOS 2, IIgs 25
- 80-column GETCHAR routine
- Misc 10
- 80-column text page 2
- IIe 3
- 80COL (soft switch)
- IIc 2, IIe 8, IIe 10
- 80STORE (soft switch)
- IIe 3, IIgs 68, IIe
- 320 mode
- IIgs 4
- 640 mode
- IIgs 4
- 3200-color picture
- FTN $C0/0002,
- 65816 microprocessor
- IIgs 90
- @ prefix
- ATLK 8, GSOS 10, SC 16
- A/D input
- IIgs 9
- acceleration
- IIe 10
- access privileges
- ATLK 8, GSOS 4
- AccessPriv
- SC 18
- ActionNDA
- SC 19
- IIgs 25, 26, 91, 106
- AddResource
- IIgs 83
- address tables
- IIgs 90
- AddToQueue
- IIgs 24
- AddToRunQ
- IIgs 24
- FTN $D8/0000
- FTN $D8/0001
- AlertWindow
- IIgs 48, 75, SC 5, 7
- GSOS 9
- IIgs 18, 105
- Allow Removal
- SmPt 9
- ALTCHARSET (softswitches)
- IIe 10
- ALTZP (soft switch)
- IIgs 30, 68
- AN3 (soft switch)
- IIe 3
- AN3OFF (soft switch)
- IIgs 29
- analog output impedence, sound
- IIgs 9
- animation
- IIgs 70, SC 3
- AnimDemo
- SC 3
- annunciators
- IIe 10
- PDOS 24
- Apple /// emulation
- Misc 2
- UDsk 5
- Apple Bowl
- GSOS 1
- Apple Desktop Bus
- see ADB
- Apple II High-Speed SCSI Card
- PDOS 23, SmPt
- Apple IIc
- IIc all
- Apple IIe Card (Macintosh LC)
- IIe 10, Misc
2, Misc
- Apple IIe
- IIe all
- Apple IIe Workstation Card
- ATLK 2, 4, 6, 7, PDOS 23
- Apple IIgs
- IIgs all
- Apple IIgs Programmers Workshop
- IIgs 20
- Apple Preferred Format
- FTN $C0/0002,
IIgs 27
- Apple Sampled Instrument Format
- FTN $D5/0007
- AppleDouble
- FTN $E0/0002-3
- AppleShare activity arrows
- IIgs 5
- AppleShare
- FTN $B6, $C7, $E2/FFFF
- AppleShare volumes
- ATLK 8, PDOS 17, 21, 22, 23, 30, SC 16, 18, 22
- AppleSingle
- FTN $E0/0001
- AppleSoft
- Misc 11
- MouseText
- Mous 6
- real variable storage
- Misc 9
- AppleTalk
- ATLK all,
IIe 10,
IIgs 105, FTN
- AppleTalk drivers
- FTN $BB, IIgs
18, 26, 77
- AppleTalk Session Protocol
- see ASP
- AppleWorks GS word processor
- FTN $50/8010
- AppleWorks
- Misc 4
- AppleWorks data base
- FTN $19
- AppleWorks spreadsheet
- FTN $1B
- AppleWorks word processor
- FTN $1A
- application directory
- GSOS 10
- application, GS/OS
- FTN $B3
- application, sample
- SC 1
- IIgs 30
- FTN $B0, $B5, IIgs
20, 33
- arcRot
- IIgs 6
- FTN $D5/0007,
- ATLK 5
- ATINIT file format
- IIgs 77
- ATINIT file
- PDOS 23
- ATLK ROM signature
- ATLK 1, 2
- Audio Compression and Expansion (ACE)
- FTN $D8/0001
- Audio IFF
- FTN $D8/0000,
- auto repeat
- IIgs 58
- AutoLaunch
- SC 22
- auxiliary ID
- IIgs 17
- auxiliary memory
- ATLK 2, PDOS 26
- auxiliary types
- PDOS 19
- AUXMOVE routine
- IIe 3
- Aware
- SC 16
- background color
- IIgs 63
- background patterns, window
- IIgs 62
- background printing
- IIgs 16
- backup bit
- PDOS 29
- Bad blocks file
- FTN $01
- BADCTL error
- SmPt 7
- SmPt 7
- bank aligned memory
- IIgs 78
- bank-switched memory
- see language
- PDOS 24
- BASIC.SYSTEM buffers
- PDOS 9
- battery RAM
- FTN $5A/0002
- BeginUpdate
- IIgs 75
- BELL (firmware routine)
- IIe 10
- BELL1 (firmware routine)
- IIe 10
- Binary II
- FTN $E0/8000,
Misc 14
- Binary Library Utility (BLU)
- Misc 14
- BindInt
- GSOS 9, IIgs 18, 105
- bit-encoded slot configuration
- IIgs 69
- PDOS 24
- block device formatting
- PDOS 5
- block size
- UDsk 4
- boot disk (minimal)
- GSOS 1
- boot disks, Pascal run-time
- Pasc 10
- booting
- UDsk 2
- BootInit functions
- IIgs 73
- border color
- IIgs 63
- bottleneck procedures (QuickDraw II)
- IIgs 34, 97
- boundsRect
- IIgs 80
- BRK instruction
- IIgs 1, 105
- IIgs 1
- PDOS 24
- PDOS 24
- BUBIT location
- PDOS 29
- buffer, QuickDraw II
- IIgs 72
- buffer, UnPackBytes
- IIgs 94
- buffering, keyboard
- IIc 6
- buffering, serial
- IIc 6, IIgs 25
- buffering, keyboard
- IIgs 106
- buffers, BASIC.SYSTEM
- PDOS 9
- bug, UniDisk 3.5
- UDsk 3
- bug, ProDOS 8
- PDOS 23
- bug, HyperCard IIgs
- HCGS 2
- bus contention
- IIgs 68, Misc
- bus, SmartPort
- SmPt 3
- busy flag, system
- IIgs 57, 71
- BusyBox
- SC 2
- cache
- GSOS 7
- cache priority
- GSOS 3
- caching
- GSOS 3
- caching, windows
- SC 7
- CalcMenuSize
- IIgs 43
- callbacks, HyperCard IIGS
- HCGS 1
- cards
- IIgs 68
- cards, DMA
- IIe 2
- cards, physical dimensions
- IIgs 28
- Carta
- IIgs 67
- CASSIN (softswitch)
- IIe 10
- CASSO (softswitch)
- IIe 10
- PDOS 24
- CATALOG, recursive
- PDOS 17
- CD-ROM disks
- SmPt 9
- CDAs
- FTN $B9, IIgs
- CDev.Data file
- FTN $C7
- CDevs
- FTN $C7, IIgs
86, SC
- PDOS 24
- ChangePath
- GSOS 13
- changing resolution
- IIgs 4
- channels, SCC
- IIgs 18
- character devices
- GSOS 4
- character device status
- GSOS 13
- character I/O
- GSOS 14
- character sets
- IIe 10
- characteristics, device
- GSOS 13
- characters, waiting
- GSOS 13
- checksum
- FTN $E0/0005
- chExtra
- IIgs 72
- clamping (mouse)
- Mous 7
- ClampMouse
- Mous 1
- Claris
- FTN $19, $1A, $1B, $50/8010,
Misc 4,
- Classic Desk Accessories
- see CDAs
- CLD instruction
- PDOS 12, 22
- clearModes
- IIgs 106
- ClearMouse
- Mous 3
- ClearScreen
- IIgs 72
- CLI instruction
- PDOS 12
- clicks, multiple
- IIgs 84
- clipboard
- IIgs 99
- clipping buffer
- IIgs 72
- clipping
- IIgs 80
- clipRgn
- IIgs 80
- clock driver
- PDOS 23
- clock
- PDOS 1, 11, IIe 10
- Close
- IIgs 53
- CloseAllNDAs
- IIgs 4, 53
- CloseNDAByWinPtr
- IIgs 71
- CloseResourceFile
- IIgs 71
- CloseView
- IIgs 91
- ClrHeartBeat
- IIgs 55
- CLRVBLINT (soft switch)
- IIgs 49
- CMReleaseResource
- IIgs 60
- code resources
- IIgs 86
- code recource attributes
- IIgs 81
- color table
- FTN $C7
- color table scrap
- IIgs 99
- color tables
- IIgs 63, 97
- color tables, window
- IIgs 98
- color values (RGB)
- IIgs 63
- command keys, NDAs
- IIgs 71
- Command-W and desk accessories
- IIgs 71
- comment, resource type
- IIgs 76
- CompactMem
- IIgs 71
- configuration files
- ATLK 8
- configuration
- FTN $5A
- Console driver
- GSOS 14
- SmPt 6
- Control ^
- IIgs 65
- Control key
- IIgs 58
- Control Manager
- IIgs 26, 81
- Control N Monitor command
- IIgs 25
- Control Panel CDA
- IIgs 26
- Control Panel control jumper
- IIgs 30
- Control Panel NDA
- FTN $C7
- control init message
- IIgs 81
- control panel devices
- see CDevs
- control panel
- IIgs 106
- control record
- IIgs 81
- control template
- IIgs 81
- controls, custom
- IIgs 81, 86, SC 4, 9
- controls, extended
- IIgs 81
- controls, inactive
- IIgs 24
- controls, tracking
- IIgs 84
- convert (resource attribute)
- IIgs 86
- ConvSeconds
- FTN $D8/0000
- Cool Cursor
- FTN $5A/802F
- cool math (quadratic)
- Misc 12
- COP instruction
- IIgs 105
- copying files
- PDOS 30
- CopyPixels
- IIgs 72
- COUT routine
- Mous 6
- COUT1 routine
- IIgs 25
- CPU cycle
- IIe 2
- UDsk 3
- CROW0 and CROW1 signals
- IIgs 21
- CtlNewRes
- IIgs 4
- current resource application
- IIgs 83
- cursor, QuickDraw II
- IIgs 39, 76, 85
- cursor, resource format
- IIgs 76
- cursor, shielding
- IIgs 24
- cursor, text
- IIgs 65
- cursor manipulation
- IIgs 85
- cursors
- FTN $5A/802F
- custom controls, extended
- IIgs 81
- Custom.Control
- SC 4
- Custom.Window
- SC 5
- IIgs 21
- cycle timings, 65816
- IIgs 70
- Darts
- SC 17
- data base, AppleWorks
- FTN $19
- data bus
- IIe 2
- dates, ProDOS
- PDOS 28
- Davex archived volume
- FTN $E0/8004
- DCE devices
- IIgs 30
- IIgs 18, PDOS
- debugger (custom)
- IIgs 1
- DebugSymbols
- IIgs 103
- defProc, window
- IIgs 42
- Deityship, Certificate of
- FTN $B6
- DeleteFromQueue
- IIgs 24
- DeleteMItem
- IIgs 24
- dereferencing handles
- IIgs 90
- Desk Manager
- IIgs 26, 101
- desk accessories
- FTN $B8, $B9, IIgs
53, 71, SC 19
- DeskShutDown
- IIgs 53
- desktop pattern
- IIgs 98
- FTN $01, PDOS
- detune (sound)
- HCGS 3
- DEVCNT location
- PDOS 20, 21
- development tool (8 bit)
- SC 21
- IIe 4
- device names
- GSOS 4
- device remapping
- PDOS 23
- device status, character
- GSOS 13
- device types (SmartPort)
- SmPt 4
- devices, character
- GSOS 4, 13
- devices, identifying
- PDOS 21
- devices, ProDOS
- PDOS 20
- DEVLST table
- PDOS 20, 21
- DEVSEL signal
- IIgs 68
- Dialog Manager
- IIgs 26, 38, 91, SC 6
- DInfo
- ATLK 1, GSOS 12, IIgs
- direct memory access
- see DMA
- direct page (GS/OS)
- GSOS 6, 7
- directory structure
- GSOS 4
- Disk II
- PDOS 21, 23
- disk image
- FTN $E0/0005,
- disk port soft switches
- IIgs 30
- disk sector format (3.5)
- IIgs 25
- DiskCopy
- FTN $E0/0005
- disks, 3.5, Pascal
- Pasc 16
- disks, 3.5, single-sided
- IIc 8
- disks, Macintosh
- UDsk 4
- disks, switching
- UDsk 4
- display screens
- IIe 10
- DisposeAll
- IIgs 17
- DisposeHandle
- IIgs 17
- DLog
- SC 6
- DMA bank register
- IIgs 30
- IIe 2, IIgs 21, 68
- DMA register ($C037)
- IIgs 21
- DOC chip
- IIgs 11, 9
- DOC mode
- IIgs 19
- DOC RAM (sound)
- IIgs 23, 53
- DOS 3.3
- PDOS 3
- PDOS 2
- double hi-res page 2
- IIe 3
- double high-resolution graphics
- FTN $08/0-3FFF
IIc 2,
IIe 3,
- double high-resolution graphics, packed
- FTN $08/4001,
IIc 2,
IIe 3
- UDsk 4
- DragWindow
- IIgs 71
- DrawMenuBar
- IIgs 60
- DrawPicture
- IIgs 46, 72
- DRename
- GSOS 12
- drive, Apple 3.5
- see Apple
3.5 drive
- drivers
- drivers, GS/OS
- IIgs 69, 100, GSOS
- drivers, port
- IIgs 36
- drivers, printer
- IIgs 93, see
- DTE devices
- IIgs 30
- DTS Tools and Libraries
- SC 20
- Dvorak keyboard
- IIc 4
- dynamic segments
- IIgs 22, 56
- Dynamo
- SC 21
- GSOS 4, IIgs 69, 102
- Easy Access
- IIgs 91
- EasyMount
- editLine (dialog item)
- IIgs 24
- Eh?
- IIgs 83
- SmPt 2
- Elems (SANE)
- IIgs 8
- EMStatus
- IIgs 71
- emulation mode (65816)
- IIgs 90
- EndFrameDrawing
- SC 5
- EndInfoDrawing
- IIgs 3
- EndOfPicture
- IIgs 46
- EndUpdate
- IIgs 75
- enhanced IIe ROMs
- IIe 8
- ENVBL (soft switch)
- IIc 9
- EraseDisk
- GSOS 11
- error codes, QD Aux
- IIgs 24
- IIgs 33
- errors, Pascal booting
- Pasc 10
- errors, ProDOS devices
- PDOS 21
- errors, SmartPort
- IIgs 25
- escape key
- Misc 10
- Event Manager
- IIgs 24, 26, 71, 91
- events, menu
- IIgs 24
- ExpandPath
- GSOS 10
- ExpressLoad
- IIgs 66
- extended controls
- see controls,
- extended file
- PDOS 25
- extended serial port firmware
- IIgs 50
- external commands and functions
- see XCMD
- EZ Backup
- FTN $E0/8006
- fakeModalDialog
- SC 20, 22, 9
- FakeMouse
- IIgs 85
- FamNum2ItemID
- IIgs 104
- fastPort (QuickDraw II)
- IIgs 72
- Fatal System Error, $0512
- IIgs 24
- FFGeneratorStatus
- IIgs 37
- FFStartSound
- IIgs 11, 37
- FFStopSound
- IIgs 37
- File System Translators
- see FSTs
- File Type Descriptors
- FTN $42
- file level
- GSOS 13, IIgs
- file transfer
- Misc 14
- file types
- PDOS 19
- filenames
- GSOS 8
- files, sparse
- PDOS 30
- fileSysID
- GSOS 11
- FIListSessions
- PDOS 21
- FilterProc
- IIgs 38
- FindControl
- IIgs 84
- Finder
- IIgs 76, 108, FTN
- Finder information, HFS
- PDOS 25
- finderSaysMItemSelected
- IIgs 108
- FInfo
- PDOS 25
- fInWindowOnly (flag bit)
- FTN $C7
- Firmware Reference Updates
- IIgs 25
- firmware, 80-column
- IIgs 25
- firmware, ID bytes
- IIgs 25
- firmware, mouse
- IIgs 25
- firmware, serial port
- IIgs 16, 25, 26, 50
- FixAppleMenu
- IIgs 24, 71
- Fixed data type
- IIgs 79
- FixFontMenu
- IIgs 104
- FixMenuBar
- IIgs 43
- floating point numerics
- SC 21, see SANE
- Floyd
- Misc 14
- Flush
- GSOS 13
- fNotControl (flag bit)
- IIgs 92
- folder selection
- IIgs 96
- Font Manager
- IIgs 15, 26, 46, 53, 104, SC
- font families
- IIgs 41, 67
- FontReport
- SC 14
- fonts
- FTN $C8
- fonts, custom
- ImWr 1
- fonts, large
- IIgs 15, GSOS
1, IIgs
4, 41, 67, SC 14
- SmPt 9, UDsk 4
- Format (GS/OS call)
- GSOS 11
- formatter, Pascal
- Pasc 12
- formatter, ProDOS
- PDOS 5
- formatting, Macintosh disks
- UDsk 4
- formatting, ProDOS disks
- PDOS 16
- FotoFile
- FTN $08/0-3FFF
- IIgs 21
- Frac data type
- IIgs 79
- fractions (cool diagrams)
- IIgs 79
- FrameRgn
- IIgs 24
- free-form synthesizer
- IIgs 37
- PDOS 9
- FreeMem
- IIgs 51
- FrontWindow
- IIgs 91
- FSTs (versions)
- IIgs 100
- FSTs
- function pointer table (FPT)
- IIgs 101
- FWEntry
- IIgs 69
- fZoomed (flag bit)
- IIgs 24
- game I/O
- IIe 10
- PDOS 9
- GetDirEntry
- GSOS 4, 13
- GetFamNum
- IIgs 41
- GetFirstDItem
- IIgs 38
- GetFormatOptions
- GSOS 13
- GetFrameColor
- IIgs 45
- GetFSTInfo
- ATLK 1
- GetInfo
- ATLK 1, 2, 4
- GetInterruptState
- IIgs 24
- GetIntInfo
- IIgs 25
- GetLevel
- GSOS 13, IIgs
- GETLN (firmware routine)
- IIe 10, IIgs
- GETLN buffer
- PDOS 1
- GETLN1 (firmware routine)
- IIe 10
- GETLNZ (firmware routine)
- IIe 10
- GetLoadSegInfo
- IIgs 66
- GetMenuFlag
- IIgs 24
- GetMenuTitle
- IIgs 60
- GetMItem
- IIgs 24, 60
- GetMItemName
- IIgs 24
- GetModeBits
- IIgs 18
- GetNewID
- IIgs 71
- GetNextEvent
- IIgs 71, 91
- GetPenState
- IIgs 44
- GetPortRect
- IIgs 80
- GetPrefix
- GSOS 10
- GetPrivileges
- SC 18
- GetUserPath
- ATLK 8, GSOS 10, FTN $5A
- GetVector
- IIgs 1
- GetVectors
- GSOS 14
- GetWaitStatus
- GSOS 13
- GetWAP
- IIgs 73
- GetWTitle
- IIgs 61
- UDsk 3
- FTN $B6, $B7
- Golden NDA Guideline (ask Matt)
- IIgs 53
- GPIB (General-Purpose interface bus)
- IIe 7
- GR (soft switch)
- IIe 3, IIgs 29
- GrafOff
- IIgs 72, FTN
- GrafOn
- IIgs 72
- grafPort
- IIgs 35
- grafPort, current
- IIgs 24, 82
- grafPort, printing
- IIgs 35, 80, 91, 93
- grafProcs
- IIgs 34
- Graphic Disk Labeler document
- FTN $53/8002
- graphics
- IIgs 70
- ground noise
- IIgs 68
- GS/OS application
- FTN $B3
- ATLK 8
- GS/OS versions
- IIgs 49, 69, 93, 100, FTN
GSOS all,
PDOS 23, 27, SC 16, 18, 22
- GS/OS aware
- FTN $B3, $B5
- GS/OS drivers
- FTN $BB, IIgs
- Misc 14
- GS/OS shell application
- FTN $B5
- GSBug
- IIgs 103
- half-dot shift
- IIe 3
- IIgs 7
- handles, dereferencing
- IIgs 90
- hardware access
- IIe 10
- hardware reference updates
- IIgs 30
- hardware, serial port
- IIgs 30
- heartbeat tasks
- IIgs 57, FTN
SC 3
- HFS (Hierarchical File System)
- UDsk 4
- HideCursor
- IIgs 107
- high-resolution graphics
- FTN $08/0-3FFF
- high-resolution graphics, packed
- FTN $08/4000,
IIgs 29
- HiliteMenu
- IIgs 24, 60
- HIRES (soft switch)
- IIe 3, IIgs 29
- HPIB (Hewlett-Packard interface bus)
- IIe 7
- hybrid applications
- PDOS 27
- HyperCard IIGS bugs
- HCGS 2
- HyperCard IIGS Script Language Guide
- HCGS 1
- HyperStudio sound
- FTN $D8/8001
- I/O redirection (BASIC.SYSTEM)
- PDOS 4
- I/O SELECT signal
- IIe 4
- I/O STROBE signal
- IIe 4
- I/O subroutines
- IIgs 2
- icon scrap
- IIgs 99
- icons, Finder
- IIgs 108, FTN
- ID bytes
- Misc 2
- ID bytes, mouse
- Mous 5
- ID bytes, UniDisk
- UDsk 2, 7
- ID nibble
- PDOS 21
- identification of CPUs
- Misc 2
- identifying devices
- PDOS 21
- iDev values
- IIgs 35, 93
- idle events
- IIgs 84
- IDROUTINE routine
- Misc 7
- IDSEARCH routine
- Pasc 14
- IEEE-488 card
- IIe 7
- FTN $D8/0001
- IIc
- IIc all
- IIc slots
- IIc 7
- IIc versions
- IIc 7
- IIc Plus
- IIc 7, SmPt 7
- IIe
- IIe all
- IIgs
- IIgs all
- ImageWriter II
- ATLK 9
- ImageWriter
- ImWr 1, SC 9
- ImageWriter LQ
- ATLK 9
- index
- TN 0
- information bar
- IIgs 24, 3
- INH line
- IIe 5, IIgs 32
- SmPt 2, 9, UDsk 4
- initialization files
- FTN $B6, $B7
- InitialLoad
- IIgs 66, 73
- InitialLoad2
- IIgs 86
- InitMouse
- Mous 2
- inline procedure names
- IIgs 103
- Installer
- IIgs 64
- InstallFont
- IIgs 15
- InstallNDA
- IIgs 71
- InstallTimer
- ATLK 5
- GSOS 6
- instruction timing, 65816
- IIgs 2
- instrument
- FTN $D6
- Integer Math
- IIgs 26, 79, SC 13
- Integrated Woz Machine
- see IWM
- INTEN (soft switch)
- IIgs 49
- interchange formats
- FTN $D8/0000
- interfaces
- IIe 7
- interlace mode
- Misc 17
- interleave
- UDsk 4
- international country codes
- IIgs 76
- interrupt state record
- IIgs 24
- interrupt status, SmartPort
- SmPt 2
- interrupt, non-maskable
- IIgs 1
- interrupts
- IIgs 57, ATLK
- interrupts, SCC
- IIgs 18, 71, 91, 105, Misc
- interrupts, serial
- IIc 6
- interrupts, unclaimed
- IIe 8, IIgs 25, 70, GSOS
9, Mous
1, 4, PDOS 12
- IntSource
- IIgs 71
- InvalRect
- IIgs 24, 75
- InvalRgn
- IIgs 10, 75
- Invisible bit
- ATLK 6
- IOSEL signal
- IIgs 68
- IOSTRB signal
- IIgs 68
- IOUDIS (softswitch)
- IIe 10
- IRQ signal
- IIgs 68
- IRQ. vectors
- IIgs 105
- item draw routine (List Manager)
- IIgs 74
- ItemID2FamNum
- IIgs 104
- IIgs 30, Misc
6, UDsk
J, K
- J (middle initial)
- IIgs 91
- Jiffy.Windows
- SC 7
- joystick connector
- IIe 10
- joystick
- IIe 6
- jumper, Control Panel (S1)
- IIgs 30
- keyboard buffering
- IIc 6, IIgs 106
- keyboard
- IIgs 106
- keyboard layout
- IIe 10
- keyboard modifiers register
- IIgs 58
- keyboard mouse
- remove
- keyboard, Dvorak
- IIc 4
- keyboard, foreign
- IIc 3
- keyboard, reading
- IIgs 91
- keyboard, reading from CDAs
- IIgs 71
- KEYMODREG (soft switch)
- IIgs 58
- Krunching
- Pasc 10
- KVERSION location
- PDOS 23
- language card
- PDOS 12
- LaserWriter
- ATLK 9, IIgs 41, 67, SC 9
- LaserWriter font mapping
- IIgs 67
- LCBNK2 (soft switch)
- IIgs 30
- LEFromScrap
- IIgs 59
- LEIdle
- IIgs 84
- LEKey
- IIgs 84
- level
- see file
- level_mode
- GSOS 13
- LGetPathname2
- IIgs 71
- Line Edit controls
- IIgs 81
- Line Edit
- IIgs 26, 81, SC 8
- List Manager
- IIgs 24, 26, 38, 74, SC 17, 8
- list controls
- IIgs 38
- list members, inactive
- IIgs 24
- List.Line.Edit
- SC 8
- Lister
- SC 9
- lists in dialogs
- IIgs 38
- load files
- loaders
- IIgs 22, 52, 66
- LoadOneTool
- IIgs 100, 53
- LoadResource
- IIgs 83
- LoadSegName
- IIgs 22
- LoadTools
- IIgs 100
- locInfo
- IIgs 6, 80
- longStatText2 (dialog item type)
- IIgs 91
- lowercase
- GSOS 8
- M2B0 signal
- IIgs 68
- M2SEL signal
- IIgs 68
- MACHID location
- PDOS 11, 15
- Macintosh Audio Compression and Expansion (MACE)
- FTN $D8/0001
- Macintosh disks
- UDsk 4
- Manners, Missed
- PDOS 26
- MarkResourceChanged
- IIgs 83
- mask scrap
- IIgs 99
- Math
- SC 13
- MaxBlock
- IIgs 51
- maxWidth
- IIgs 72
- Media Control drivers (versions)
- IIgs 100
- Media Control
- IIgs 12, GSOS
- Medley document
- FTN $54/DD3E
- Mega II
- IIgs 32, 68
- Mega II video counters
- IIgs 39
- memFlag (List Manager)
- IIgs 74
- Memory Expansion Card
- IIe 10, MemX
- Memory Manager
- IIgs 17, 26, 57, 107
- Memory Peeker desk accessory
- IIgs 25
- memory compaction
- IIgs 57
- memory expansion
- IIc 5, IIgs 21
- memory expansion slot
- IIgs 21
- memory ID
- see User
- memory management
- GSOS 3
- memory management and interrupts
- IIgs 4, 17, 22, 51, 52, 57, 78, 91, PDOS
26, 27
- memory purging
- IIgs 57
- Menu Manager
- IIgs 26, 43, 60, 81, SC 12
- menu bars, system vs. window
- IIgs 60
- menu caching
- IIgs 24
- menu events
- IIgs 24
- menu strings
- IIgs 60
- menu titles
- IIgs 5
- menu, custom
- SC 12
- MenuGlobal
- IIgs 60
- MenuNewRes
- IIgs 4
- Menus
- SC 12
- MenuSelect
- IIgs 60
- MenuStartUp
- IIgs 60
- MessageByName
- IIgs 89
- MessageCenter
- FTN $B3, $B5, IIgs
89, 98
- MFS (Macintosh File System)
- UDsk 4
- MIDI data
- FTN $D7
- MIDI drivers
- IIgs 54
- IIgs 105
- MIDI Synth
- IIgs 12, 54, GSOS
- MIDI Tools drivers
- MIDI tools
- IIgs 23, 54
- Miscellaneous Tools
- IIgs 26, 94
- MIXED (soft switch)
- IIe 3
- MLIACTV location
- ATLK 7, PDOS 23
- MMStartUp
- IIgs 17, 53, PDOS
- modal dialog
- IIgs 91, SC 6
- modal windows in NDAs
- IIgs 71
- ModalDialog
- IIgs 38
- mode switching (320/640)
- IIgs 4
- mode, mouse
- Mous 3
- modeless dialog
- SC 6
- modifiers
- IIgs 58, 106
- MoMan
- SC 22
- Money, It's Only
- Misc 13
- Monitor
- IIgs 25, 26
- monochrome hi-res graphics
- IIgs 29
- Moof!*
- SC 10
- moreFlags
- IIgs 81
- motherboard
- IIe 9
- Mouse Keys
- IIgs 91
- mouse button status
- IIgs 25
- mouse card
- IIc 1, Mous 5
- mouse firmware
- IIgs 25
- mouse
- IIe 10, mous
- mouse behavior
- IIc 1
- mouse clamping
- Mous 7
- mouse identification
- Mous 5
- mouse positioning
- IIgs 85
- mouse scaling
- IIc 1
- mouse mode
- Mous 3
- MouseText
- Mous 6
- mouseUp events
- IIgs 71
- IIgs 102, GSOS
- MPW IIgs
- IIgs 33
- MSLOT location
- IIgs 16, Misc
3, 15, PDOS
- PDOS 24
- multimedia drivers
- Music Construction Set
- FTN $D5, $D6
- music sequence
- FTN $D5
- name (macro)
- IIgs 103
- named resources
- HCGS 2
- names, inline procedure
- IIgs 103
- NDAs
- FTN $B8, IIgs
71, SC
- network volumes
- ATLK 8
- New Desk Accessories
- see NDAs
- NewControl2
- IIgs 81
- NewHandle
- IIgs 17
- NewMenu
- IIgs 60
- NewMenuBar2
- IIgs 60
- NEWVIDEO (soft switch)
- IIgs 70
- NewWindow
- IIgs 24, 47
- NewWindow2
- IIgs 24, 3, 82, SC 2, 9
- NextMember2
- IIgs 24
- Nifty, Mr.
- FTN $B9
- NIL in resource maps
- IIgs 83
- IIgs 1
- NMI signal
- IIgs 68
- no-special-memory attribute
- IIgs 52
- no-wait mode and console driver
- GSOS 14
- no-wait mode
- GSOS 13
- non-maskable interrupt
- IIgs 1
- Note Sequencer
- IIgs 23
- Note Synthesizer
- IIgs 19, 23
- notification procedures
12, 7
- PDOS 24
- NTSC color
- IIe 3
- NuFX
- FTN $E0/8002,
Misc 14
- Object Module Format
- FTN $BC, IIgs
- offscreen ports
- SC 20
- FTN $BC, IIgs
- OMF KIND field
- IIgs 52, 78
- onlyGetSelection
- IIgs 92
- ON_LINE (ProDOS 8)
- IIc 5, PDOS 8, 21, 23
- OOM Queue routines
- IIgs 51
- Open
- SC 16
- OpenNDA
- IIgs 71
- OpenPicture
- IIgs 72
- OpenPoly
- IIgs 72
- OpenPort
- IIgs 91
- OpenRgn
- IIgs 72
- optionalCloseAction (NDA Action code)
- IIgs 71
- option_list
4, 13
- OSShutDown
- GSOS 2, IIgs 49
- OS_BOOT location
- PDOS 27
- out-of-memory queue, corrupted
- IIgs 24
- out-of-memory routine
- IIgs 51, 78
- P-Machine
- Pasc 10
- PackBytes format
- IIgs 27
- PackBytes
- FTN $08/0-3FFF,
IIgs 94
- packed super-hires image
- FTN $C0/0001
- packets, SmartPort
- SmPt 8
- paddles
- IIe 6
- PAGE2 (soft switch)
- IIe 3, IIgs 68
- PaintWorks packed picture
- FTN $C0/0000
- PAL timing chip
- IIe 2
- ATLK 3
- PAPOpen
- ATLK 9
- PAPStatus
- ATLK 9
- Parallel Interface Card
- IIe 7, Misc 16
- parameter blocks, controls
- IIgs 81
- parameter blocks, ProDOS
- PDOS 22
- ParamText
- IIgs 91
- Pascal 1.1 firmware protocol
- IIgs 16, Misc
- Pascal and MouseText
- Mous 6
- Pascal area (on ProDOS volume)
- PDOS 25
- Pascal
- Pasc all
- Pascal, 48K run-time system
- Pasc 15
- Pascal Patch
- Pasc 17
- run-time boot disks
- Pasc 10
- Pascal Profile manager
- PDOS 25
- Pascal run-time system
- Pasc 10
- Pascal volumes
- Pasc 16
- Patch (Pascal)
- Pasc 17
- patching, tool dispatcher
- IIgs 87
- patching, tools
- IIgs 101
- pathnames
- GSOS 4
- pattern, desktop
- IIgs 98
- patterns
- FTN $C0/0002
- patterns, window backgrounds
- IIgs 62
- patterns, list
- IIgs 76
- PDLTRIG (softswitch)
- IIe 10
- PEEK (Applesoft function)
- Misc 11
- pen pattern
- IIgs 6
- pen state record
- IIgs 44
- permanent initialization files
- FTN $B6, $B7
- PDOS 21
- PH0 signal
- IIe 4, IIgs 68
- PH1 signal
- IIe 4
- PH2 signal
- IIe 4, IIgs 21, 68
- PicComments
- IIgs 97, SC 9
- FTN $C1/0001,
IIgs 27, 46
- picture (QuickDraw II)
- IIgs 72, FTN
- picture, Macintosh
- IIgs 46
- picture comments
- IIgs 97
- picture data format
- IIgs 46
- Picture, QuickDraw II
- IIgs 27
- PINIT entry
- IIgs 16
- pinouts
- IIe 7
- PinRect
- IIgs 24
- pitch (sound)
- HCGS 3
- Pixel Map Tools
- SC 13, 20
- pixelMap2Rgn
- SC 20
- PlaySound
- SC 10
- PMCloseSession
- ATLK 3
- PMLoadDriver
- IIgs 77, SC 11
- PMSetPrinter
- ATLK 3
- PMUnloadDriver
- IIgs 77
- polygons
- IIgs 72
- Pop-Up Menu controls
- IIgs 81
- port drivers
- IIgs 36
- ports, offscreen
- SC 20
- portSCB
- IIgs 80
- PosMouse
- IIgs 85, Mous
1, 3
- PostScript
- IIgs 67, 97
- power consumption, cards
- IIgs 68
- power-up byte
- MemX 1
- POWERUP location
- IIgs 49
- PPToPort
- IIgs 80
- PREAD (firmware routine)
- IIe 6, 10
- preferences
- FTN $5A
- prefixes and Standard File
- IIgs 14
- prefixes
- IIgs 14, GSOS
- preload (resource attribute)
- IIgs 86
- Prevent Removal
- SmPt 9
- PrGetUserName
- IIgs 77
- Print Manager drivers
- Print Manager
- IIgs 35, 77, 93, SC 11, 9
- print loop
- IIgs 93
- print record
- IIgs 35, 93, SC 11
- print record resource
- IIgs 76
- Printer Access Protocol
- see PAP
- printer driver
- IIgs 35, 93, 97, SC 11
- printer drivers (versions)
- IIgs 100
- Printer.Setup file
- IIgs 77
- printing
- IIgs 35
- printing, background
- IIgs 16
- printing, transparent
- ATLK 4, 97
- printing text
- IIgs 93
- printX subrecord
- IIgs 93
- procedure names, inline
- IIgs 103
- procname (macro)
- IIgs 103
- ProDOS 8
- ATLK 2, PDOS 4, FTN $01, GSOS
2, 8, SC 21
- ProDOS 8 bugs
- PDOS 23
- ProDOS file system limitations
- GSOS 4
- ProDOS Filing Interface
- see PFI
- ProDOS FSM (Macintosh)
- PDOS 25
- ProDOS
- PDOS all
- PrRecord.Spy
- SC 11
- PrValidate
- IIgs 93
- ptrCheck
- SC 9
- PTRIG (soft switch)
- IIc 9
- ptrToPixImage
- IIgs 80, 91
- ptrToPixImage
- IIgs 91
- purgeable memory
- IIgs 51
- purging memory
- IIgs 78
- PWRITE entry
- IIgs 16
- Q Monitor command
- IIgs 25
- Q6 and Q7 (IWM)
- IIgs 30
- QDStartUp
- IIgs 72
- QDStatus
- IIgs 72
- QDVersion
- IIgs 72
- QuickDraw II Aux, error codes
- IIgs 24
- QuickDraw II Auxiliary
- IIgs 24, 46, 53, 75, 104
- QuickDraw II
- IIgs 4, 10, 26, 34, 44, 6, 72, 80, 91
- QuickDraw II tutorial
- IIgs 80
- QuickDraw II picture
- FTN $C1/0001
- QUIT code
- PDOS 23
- R/W line
- IIe 4
- R/W* line
- IIe 2
- RAM Disk
- GSOS 2,
- RAMRD (soft switch)
- IIe 3, IIgs 68, Misc
- RAMWRT (soft switch)
- IIe 3, IIgs 68, Misc
- rComment
- IIgs 76
- rCursor resources
- FTN $5A/802F
- RDALTZP (soft switch)
- IIgs 25
- RDCARDRAM (softswitch)
- Misc 15
- RDDHIRES (softswitch)
- IIe 10
- RDIOUDIS (soft switch)
- IIe 10, IIc 9
- RDY line
- IIe 4
- RDY signal
- IIgs 68
- PDOS 24
- READ (firmware routine)
- IIe 10
- ReadAsciiTime
- IIgs 24
- ReadMouse
- IIc 1, IIgs 85, Mous
1, 3
- RealFreeMem
- IIgs 51
- rebooting
- IIgs 49
- recharge routine
- IIgs 16
- rectangle list resource format
- IIgs 76
- REDIRECT, shell call
- IIgs 30
- refCon, list control
- IIgs 38
- regions
- IIgs 10, 72
- registers, SCC
- IIgs 18
- relPitch
- HCGS 3
- remapping devices
- PDOS 23
- Remote Print Manager
- ATLK 3, 4, IIgs 77, 93
- RemoveFromRunQ
- IIgs 24
- Replicator
- FTN $5A/8031,
- requests, system
- FTN $C7, IIgs
- resChanged (resource attribute)
- IIgs 83
- RESET routine
- IIgs 49
- Reset (system)
- IIgs 91
- reset key
- IIe 5
- ResetHook
- IIgs 25, SmPt
- ResetMember2
- IIgs 24
- resolution, changing
- IIgs 4
- Resource File
- FTN $5E/0001,
- Resource Manager
- IIgs 53, 76, 83, 86, 107
- resource application
- IIgs 3, 83
- resource application, current
- IIgs 83
- resource converters
- IIgs 83, 86
- resource files
- GSOS 13
- resource forks
- GSOS 5, 13, IIgs
- resource formats
- IIgs 76
- resource reference scrap
- IIgs 99
- resource search depth
- IIgs 83
- resource search order
- IIgs 83
- resource search path, CDevs
- FTN $C7
- resource, sound
- FTN $D8/0003
- resourceBlocks, resourceEOF
- GSOS 13
- resources
- SC 2
- resources as templates
- IIgs 83
- resources, named
- HCGS 2
- ResourceStartUp
- IIgs 53, 71
- Restart
- IIgs 52, 73
- ReturnStat (HyperCard IIGS parameter)
- HCGS 1
- Revision B motherboard
- IIe 3
- rFont resources
- IIgs 76
- rListRef resources
- IIgs 74
- RMFindNamedResource
- IIgs 83
- RMLoadNamedResource
- IIgs 83
- ROM Disk
- IIgs 25
- ROM revisions
- IIgs 26
- ROMs, IIe enhanced
- IIe 8
- rowBytes
- IIgs 80
- RS-232-C
- IIgs 30
- RS-422
- IIgs 30
- PDOS 9
- rSoundSample
- HCGS 3, IIgs 76, FTN
- RST signal
- IIgs 68
- rStyleBlock
- IIgs 99, FTN
- rTextForLETextBox2 (resource type)
- IIgs 24
- RTI instruction
- PDOS 12
- rTwoRects resources
- IIgs 24
- run queue
- IIgs 24, 57, FTN
- run-time system, Pascal
- Pasc 10
- rVersion
- IIgs 76
- sampled sound
- FTN $D8
- sampling frequency
- IIgs 37
- FTN $1B, IIgs
26, 7, 8, PDOS
26, SC
- sapling files
- PDOS 30
- scan line control bytes
- IIgs 97
- scanline counter
- IIgs 39
- SCC (chip)
- IIgs 18
- SCC AREG soft switch
- IIgs 49
- SchAddTask
- IIgs 71
- scheduler
- IIgs 16, 26, 71
- Scrap Manager
- IIgs 26, 53
- scrap types
- IIgs 99
- screen dump
- IIgs 27
- screen dump, 80 columns
- Misc 1
- screen holes
- IIe 10
- screen image
- FTN $C1/0000
- screen image, packed
- FTN $C0/0001,
IIgs 27
- scripts, Installer
- IIgs 64
- ScrollRect
- IIgs 72
- SmPt 5, 9
- seedling files
- PDOS 30
- segments
- IIgs 66
- segments, dynamic
- IIgs 22, 86
- selection (Text Edit)
- IIgs 92
- selector/dispatcher (ProDOS 8)
- see QUIT
- self test
- IIe 9, IIgs 95
- SendInfo
- IIgs 106
- SendQueue
- IIgs 16
- separators
- GSOS 4
- SerFlag
- IIgs 18
- serial buffering
- IIc 6, IIgs 25
- serial communication
- IIgs 105
- serial connection
- Misc 14
- serial controller chip
- IIgs 18
- serial interrupts
- IIc 6
- serial port firmware
- IIgs 16, 25, 26, 50
- serial port hardware
- IIgs 30
- serial ports
- IIe 10
- ServeMouse
- Mous 1, 4
- SetArcRot
- IIgs 6
- SetAutoKeyLimit
- IIgs 24
- SetBufDims
- IIgs 72
- SetContentOrigin
- IIgs 47
- SetCtlMoreFlags
- IIgs 81
- SetCtlTitle
- IIgs 81
- SetCurResourceFile
- IIgs 83
- SetDataSize
- IIgs 47
- SetDefaultTPT
- IIgs 101
- SetDTR example
- IIgs 50
- SetFrameColor
- IIgs 98
- SetGrafProcs
- IIgs 34, 35
- SetInfoDraw
- IIgs 3
- SETINTC3ROM (soft switch)
- GSOS 2
- SetInterleave
- IIgs 25
- SetInterruptState
- IIgs 24
- SetIntInfo
- IIgs 25
- SetLevel
- GSOS 13, IIgs
- SetMenuFlag
- IIgs 24, 60
- SetModeBits
- IIgs 25
- setModes
- IIgs 106
- SetMouse
- IIc 1, Mous 3, 4
- SetMTitleStart
- IIgs 5
- SetOrigin
- IIgs 80
- SetOutBuff
- IIgs 16
- SetPenState
- IIgs 44
- SetPort
- IIgs 24
- SetPrefix
- GSOS 10
- SetPrivileges
- SC 18
- SetResLoad
- IIgs 83
- SetResourceAttr
- IIgs 83
- SetResourceFileDepth
- IIgs 83
- SETSLOTC3ROM (soft switch)
- GSOS 2
- SetStdProcs
- IIgs 34, 35
- SetSysBar
- IIgs 60
- settings, Sound control panel
- FTN $5A/Sound.Settings
- SetTSPtr
- IIgs 24, 73
- SetVector
- IIgs 1
- SetWAP
- IIgs 73
- SetWTitle
- IIgs 61
- SetZoomRect
- IIgs 24
- GSOS 12, 7
- UDsk 4
- PDOS 30
- PDOS 29
- PDOS 30
- SET_SYS_SPEED (vector)
- GSOS 6, IIgs 102
- SFMultiGet2
- IIgs 14, SC 18
- SFPGetFile2
- IIgs 96
- SFPMultiGet2
- IIgs 14
- SHADOW (soft switch)
- IIgs 70
- shadowing, super-hires
- IIgs 72
- sheet feeder
- ATLK 9
- Shell
- SC 1
- shell application, GS/OS
- FTN $B5
- shell programs and resources
- IIgs 83
- ShieldCursor
- IIgs 34
- Shift key
- IIgs 58
- shift key modification
- IIe 9, 10
- Sholes keyboard
- IIc 4
- Shortcuts (file)
- GSOS 1
- Pasc 15
- ShowBootInfo
- FTN $B6, $B7
- ShowPen
- IIgs 72
- ShrinkIt
- Misc 14
- ShutDownTools
- IIgs 107
- GSOS 6
- signals, GS/OS
- IIgs 57
- SizeWindow
- IIgs 4
- slot 3
- PDOS 15
- slot arbitration
- GSOS 4, 6, IIgs 69
- slot mapping (ProDOS devices)
- PDOS 3
- slot ROM space
- ATLK 4
- SLOTC3ROM (soft switch)
- GSOS 2
- SLTROMSEL soft switch
- IIgs 69
- Small Computer Systems Interface
- see SCSI
- SmartPort errors
- IIgs 25
- SmartPort
- IIe 10, IIgs
25, 26, PDOS
20, 21, 23, SmPt
- SmartPort version
- IIgs 100
- soft switches
- IIe 10, Misc
- soft switches, disk port
- IIgs 30
- Sonata
- IIgs 67
- Sound settings
- FTN $5A/Sound.Settings
- Sound Tools
- IIgs 26, 37, SC 10, 23
- sound, multi-channel
- IIgs 19
- sound, resource format
- IIgs 76
- sound, sampled
- FTN $D8
- sound clicks
- IIgs 11
- sound connector
- IIgs 9
- sound RAM
- see DOC
- sound resource
- FTN $D8/0003
- sound scrap
- IIgs 99
- sound, compressed
- FTN $D8/0001
- sound, pitching
- HCGS 3
- SoundEx
- SC 23
- SoundSmith
- FTN $D5/0007
- source code file
- FTN $B0
- sparse files
- PDOS 30
- SPCommand
- ATLK 5
- special memory
- IIgs 52, 53
- spExtra
- IIgs 72
- SPGetStatus
- ATLK 1
- spreadsheet, AppleWorks
- FTN $1B
- SPWrite
- ATLK 5
- stack pointer
- ATLK 2, IIgs 25, 70, 88
- stack space, CDAs
- IIgs 71
- stack, page one
- IIgs 71, 88
- Standard Apple Numerics Environment
- see SANE
- Standard File
- IIgs 14, 96, SC 18
- StartFrameDrawing
- SC 5
- StartInfoDrawing
- IIgs 3
- startup order
- IIgs 12
- StartUpTools
- IIgs 100, 12, 24, 53, 83, 107
- STATUS bug in UniDisk 3.5
- UDsk 3
- SmPt 7
- STATUS, SmartPort
- PDOS 20, SmPt
2, 9, UDsk 2, 4
- STATUS, status
- GSOS 13
- status string
- ATLK 9
- status, Pascal protocol
- ATLK 6
- statusBits
- ATLK 9
- stereo sound
- IIgs 19
- Sticky Keys
- IIgs 91
- storage types
- PDOS 25
- PDOS 24
- strings, tagged
- IIgs 76
- STROBE' (signal)
- IIe 10
- styled fonts
- IIgs 104
- StyleWriter
- IIgs 93
- subtype, SmartPort
- SmPt 7
- Super Serial Card
- IIe 7, Misc 3
- super hi-res graphics
- Misc 17
- super hi-res screen
- FTN $B3, $B5
- super hi-res screen location
- IIgs 91
- super-hires screen image
- FTN $C1/0000
- SuperInfo modules
- FTN $BC/4002
- SW0 (soft switch)
- IIe 9
- SW1 (soft switch)
- IIe 9
- SW2 (soft switch)
- IIe 9swap mode (sound)
- IIgs 11
- synthLAB
- GSOS 1
- SysBeep2
- FTN $5A/Sound.Settings
- SysFailMgr
- IIgs 25
- system software
- GSOS 1
- Pasc 17
- SystemEvent
- IIgs 24
- systemOrUser (flag)
- IIgs 101
- SystemTask
- IIgs 53, 91
- tables of addresses
- IIgs 90
- tagged strings
- IIgs 76
- Tangent, Mr.
- IIgs 71
- TaskMaster
- IIgs 42
- TaskMaster task mask
- IIgs 84, 47, 53, 75, 80, 81, 84, 91, SC 2, 9
- TaskMasterDA
- IIgs 84
- Teach document
- FTN $50/5445
- Teach
- SC 24
- TEClick
- IIgs 92
- TEFormat
- FTN $50/5445
- TEFormat structure
- IIgs 99
- TEGetRuler
- IIgs 92
- TEGetText
- IIgs 92
- TEIdle
- IIgs 84
- TEInsert
- IIgs 92
- TEKey
- IIgs 84
- telecommunications
- Misc 14
- TENew
- IIgs 92
- TEPaintText
- IIgs 92
- TERuler
- IIgs 92
- TESetRuler
- IIgs 92
- TESetText
- IIgs 92
- TestControl
- IIgs 92
- Text Tools
- GSOS 4, IIgs 26, 69, 71, 93
- text buffer, QuickDraw II
- IIgs 4
- text color
- IIgs 63
- text cursor bug
- IIgs 65
- text printing
- IIgs 93
- TextEdit controls
- IIgs 81
- TextEdit
- FTN $50/5445,
IIgs 92, SC 24
- TextEdit style scrap
- IIgs 99
- TimeData
- Mous 2
- timing, 65816 cycle
- IIgs 70
- timing, 65816 instruction
- IIgs 2
- timing
- IIgs 105
- titles, window and menu
- IIgs 5
- TLMountVolume
- IIgs 24
- TLShutDown
- FTN $B6, $B7, IIgs
53, 73, 101
- TLStartUp
- FTN $B6, $B7, IIgs
- TLTextMountVolume
- IIgs 24
- IIgs 25, 102
- ToBusyStrip, vector
- IIgs 73
- Tool Locator
- IIgs 26, 89, 101, 107
- tool dispatcher, patching
- IIgs 87
- tool patching
- IIgs 101
- tool set interdependencies
- IIgs 12
- tool set pointer table (TPT)
- IIgs 101
- tool sets
- tool sets, user
- IIgs 73, SC 20
- tool sets versions, system
- IIgs 100
- Toolbox Reference updates
- IIgs 24
- toolbox, and desk accessories
- IIgs 53
- toolbox memory usage
- IIgs 51
- IIgs 25
- ToStrip, vector
- IIgs 73
- IIgs 25
- TrackControl
- IIgs 84
- TrackGoAway
- IIgs 42
- transparent network printing
- ATLK 4
- tree files
- PDOS 30
- TREESEARCH routine
- Pasc 14
- trust and verification
- FTN $B8
- Pasc 15
- type-ahead buffer
- IIc 6
- typeless files
- FTN $00
- UCSD Pascal
- Pasc all
- UnBindInt
- GSOS 9
- GSOS 9
- UniDisk 3.5 drive
- PDOS 23
- UniDisk 3.5
- UDsk all
- UniDiskStat
- IIgs 25
- UnionRgn
- IIgs 24
- UniqueResourceID
- IIgs 83
- UnitStatus (Pascal)
- Pasc 17
- UnitStatus
- IIc 5
- unit_number
- PDOS 20, 21
- Universal Access
- IIgs 91
- unknown files
- FTN $00
- UnloadOneTool
- IIgs 53
- UnloadSeg
- IIgs 22
- UnloadSegNum
- IIgs 22
- unlocked memory
- IIgs 57
- UnPackBytes
- FTN $08/4000,
IIgs 94
- unpacked picture
- IIgs 27
- UnshieldCursor
- IIgs 34
- up, shut (you people!)
- Misc 13
- update routines, dialogs
- IIgs 91
- updateRgn
- IIgs 75
- updating windows
- SC 7
- User ID
- IIgs 66, 71, PDOS
- user input routine
- GSOS 14
- user names
- IIgs 77
- user tool sets
- IIgs 53, 73, SC 20
- UserCtlItem
- IIgs 38
- UserInfo
- ATLK 8, SC 18
- UserItem
- IIgs 38
- userItems in dialogs
- IIgs 91
- VBL (softswitch)
- IIe 10
- VBL interrupts
- IIgs 39, 40, Mous
- VBL interrupts, rate
- Mous 2
- VBL signal
- IIc 9, IIgs 40
- PDOS 23, 8
- vectors
- IIgs 105, Misc
- vectors, various
- IIgs 102
- vendor ID, SmartPort
- SmPt 2
- version
- IIgs 76
- version number, SmartPort
- SmPt 2
- version, resource type
- IIgs 76
- versions
- IIgs 100
- vertical blanking
- see VBL
- Video Keyboard
- IIgs 91
- Video Overlay Card
- Misc 17
- video counters
- IIgs 70
- Visit Monitor desk accessory
- IIgs 25
- visRgn
- IIgs 75, 80, 91
- Volume Control Block
- see VCB
- volume control
- IIc 7
- volumes (Pascal)
- Pasc 16
- WAIT (firmware routine)
- IIe 10
- WAIT routine
- Misc 12
- wait mode
- GSOS 13
- wFrame
- IIgs 3, 42
- WindNewRes
- IIgs 4
- Window Manager
- IIgs 26, 47, 61, 62, 75
- window background patterns
- IIgs 62
- window defProc
- IIgs 42
- window information bar
- IIgs 24, 3
- window record
- IIgs 24, 42
- window titles
- IIgs 5, 61
- windows, color tables
- IIgs 98
- windows, custom
- IIgs 42, SC 5
- windows, updating
- IIgs 83, SC 7
- WindStatus
- IIgs 75
- wInfoDefProc
- IIgs 3
- wInfoHeight
- IIgs 3
- wInSpecial (TaskMaster result)
- IIgs 24
- word processor, AppleWorks
- FTN $1A
- word processor, AppleWorks GS
- FTN $50/8010
- word processor, Medley
- FTN $54/DD3E
- word processor, Text Edit
- FTN $50/5445
- word processor, WordPerfect
- FTN $A0/0000
- WordPerfect file
- FTN $A0/0000
- work area pointer
- IIgs 73
- WRCARDRAM (soft switch)
- IIgs 70, Misc
- WRITE (firmware routine)
- IIe 10
- WRITE (SmartPort)
- UDsk 4
- write-protect bug (UniDisk 3.5)
- UDsk 3
X, Y, Z
- XCMD/XFCN (HyperCard IIGS)
- IIgs 86, HCGS
- xFInfo
- PDOS 25
- XorRgn
- IIgs 24
- years, ProDOS
- PDOS 28
- Z8530 serial chip
- IIgs 18
- zero page
- PDOS 22
- zero page, SmartPort use of
- SmPt 6
- zero-crossing byte
- IIgs 1
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